Bubble Nebula, Hubble palette colors

Gallery, which show my best pictures taken from my backyard

The Bubble Nebula, a Hubble palette picture taken during August/September 2014.

Bubble Nebula, exposure: Lum=32*30sec+17*60sec+21*120sec, R,G,B=61,49,40*60sec, Ha=4*600sec, OIII=13*300sec og SII=23*300sec.

Composed as a LNB-SII,Ha,OIII picture with stars shown as/in RGB colors.

Equipment used, LX200ACF 16” with lepus 0.62X reducer, FL~2500 mm, camera: Atik 460ex mono binned 2*2. Baader filters.

Copyright, Niels V. Christensen / Finn Nancke, 2015.